Technical/Industrial – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
April 5, 2024 2024-05-09 4:16Technical/Industrial – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Add-On Courses
Department of ECE and EEE jointly conducted addon course “Exploring ARM using embedded C” – explored the fundamentals of ARM architecture, mastering the nuances of LPC2148 microcontroller. The students showcased their prowess in Embedded C, writing efficient code to control and communicate with the hardware.
The Add-on courses help in skill updation of the students in the latest technology through hands- on training.
Add-on courses organized by the Department are
- PLC Automation, SCADA and HMI
- Robotics
- Electric Vehicle Design

Research Activities
The Research and Development Wing in the Department selects the outstanding projects from the final year students and recommends for funding from the Institution.
Funded Projects
Robotic Arm Advanced Sensing Parameters
GSM Integrated GPS Guided Robots
Consumer Usage Optimization Based Load Shedding Reduction and Power Saving Equipment
A wheeled robot which navigates using GPS whose target is sent by message
Solar powered IoT based bin with waste management
KSCSTE Funded Projects
Solar powered multi crop cutter and collecting machine
Efficient lighting in Mohandas College
Design of an energy generating system
The Department organizes technical paper presentation competition ACME every year for B.Tech students and Prabandh for M. Tech students.
National Conferences organized
COMPCON (Communication, Power Electronics and Control System)
ASPES (Advance Signal Processing and Embedded System)
Techsynod (Smart Grid Technologies, Applications and Signal Processing)
All Departments
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