Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is the bed rock of all Engineering fields, crafting the infrastructure that forms our world. By constructing everything from culvert to skyscrapers they don’t just build they shape the history and future of nations.

Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology commenced B.Tech Degree course in Civil Engineering, in July 2014. The mission of our department is to open the minds of students to knowledge. to instill in the minds of the students the love, the habit and ways of learning and to enable students to take best advantage of their educational opportunities. The Department is determined to ensure that students of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges at work and to develop in themselves a sense of social commitment so that they would play a vital role in transforming the society.

The intake at undergraduate level in the Civil Engineering Department during the current academic year is 30. The UG curriculum is broad-based and designed to introduce students with a wide range of problems encountered by civil engineers, The major subjects dealt with are Surveying. Concrete Technology, Analysis and Design of Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Water Resources engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering etc.

Electives and independently conducted projects are also offered to enable the students to develop additional depth in the areas at specific interest to them.

Teaching Faculty

Name Designation Qualification Experience
Dr. Sheela Evangeline Y HoD & Professor Ph.D 33 years
Prof. Aparna S R Assistant Professor M.Tech 11 years
Prof. Blessy T Assistant Professor M.Tech 17 years
Prof. Vaidehi S R Assistant Pofessor (NC) M.Tech 4 Years
Prof. Preethi P Assistant Professor M.Tech 8.5 years
Prof. Shifa N Assistant Professor M.Tech 2.5 years
Prof. Anuja Vijayan Assistant Professor M.Tech 5 years
Prof. Soumya P M Assistant Professor M.Tech 1.5 years
Prof. Rebecca Aswathy Joseph Assistant Professor M.Tech 5 years
Prof. Preema P M Assistant Professor M.Tech 4 months


To become centre of excellence in civil engineering education, research, innovation and development, working as a team to bring out professionals with social commitment and technical excellence in the field of civil engineering and related-areas.


Strive to impart high quality education and training for the students to enable them to conduct research in advanced civil engineering and inter disciplinary areas and to meet the needs of stake holders. They are moulded for life long learning, social responsibility and ethical conduct and professional competence to contribute towards the advancement of the individual and the society.

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