MCET Alumni
April 8, 2024 2024-04-08 5:57MCET Alumni
Alumni Association of M-CET (AAMCET) has been formed in the year 2006 in order to promote interaction between the alumni and the college. The main objective of this association is to maintain contacts of Alumni with the Alma mater and to foster the relationship between the past and the present students of this college.We are conducting ALUMNI GET TOGETHER and Annual General Body Meeting in December and Alumni Induction Programme on the last day of theory examination.
The last AGM was conducted on 30 /12/2018 at mini Hall, MOHANDAS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. The registration started at 10 am. The official function began at 10.30am Our Principal Dr. Sheela S. Welcomed the gathering. Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director gave way the Presidential Addres. Ms. Rashmi S Nair, faculty, CSE Department presented the Annual Report and Mr. Prabhsimran Singh, faculty, EEE Department presented the Annual accounts for approval. Nearly 180 alumni members attended the meeting. Endowment awards were also distributed and they are as follows: Smt. Sarasija Thampuran Memorial Award, for the best outgoing student from the college. Dr. Sutapa Sen Endowment award, for the best outgoing student from EEE Dept. Sri. Balaram Gopalan Memorial award, for a student who scores highest marks in the Engineering Mathematics. A special prize is awarded to a student in EEE dept., with good technical skills, which is instituted by an alumni member Mr. Dileep Kumar 2006 IT batch. For that he has deposited an amount of Rs.25000 in AAMCET account. A special prize is awarded in the name of Prof. Muraleedharan Nair, former HOD, Department of Mathematics to a student from final year who secured highest GPA up to S6 and this award is instituted by 2012 batch. Smt. Kaushalya Vati Endowment Award for the best outgoing female student instituted by Mr Premjit Singh. Shri. Shriramachari Endowment award for the Best outgoing student BT&BCE instituted by Prof Alwan. T.K Divakaran Memorial Award for the Best Outgoing student in Civil Dept. instituted by Dr. S Sheela, Principal MCET. Madhavi Amma Memorial Award for the Best Outgoing Female student in CSE instituted by Mr. Sabarish S Nair. Academic proficiency awards for the students with highest overall GPA were presented on this occasion. The official function was followed with Musical programme led by Gautham R (Alumini 2008 CSE). Election of new Executive members from each department was held.
As part of back to campus (Alumni) program:
We had with us :
Mr. Sabarish S Nair (2003-2007 batch) who addressed MCET students on the topic: Must know Ninja Tricks to land in your dream job on 17th Jan 2018.
Mr. Jairam Ramesh of (2003-2007 batch) addressed MCET students about opportunities in industry and on how students should plan their career to utilize these opportunities on 19th Sept 2018.
We also had with us, Mr. Krishand (2004-2008 batch) who addressed MCET students interested in Cinematography, Film making preproduction and Design Thinking on 30th Nov 2018.
Alumni association of MCET has provided funding for various events like Colloquium 2018, Illuminati 2018, International Conference on Numerical Analysis, Computing and Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology conducted in Dec 2018, Merit cum means PTA scholarship award and a Project grant for selected final year project.
This year onwards, AAMCET fraternity takes immense pleasure to inform you all that one more project grant will be sponsored as per the consensus of the executive members of AAMCET.
AAMCET Decennial Meet 2016 was held on 8th October 2016 at Uday Samudra Hotel, Kovalam.The program started at 6.30pm by lightning of lamp by Director Dr Ashalatha Thampuran,MCET. Dr Sheela S Principal MCET was present on the occasion. At 7pm retired faculty members of Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology were presented with ponnuada and memeto by Alumni as part of Guruvandanam. Senior staff members addressed the audience on the occasion. At 7.30pm pro show was held as part of cultural event on the occasion .
First Year Student Induction 2023
Yoga session in the First Year Student Induction Program 2023.

PRAYAN 2023 “PRAYAN 2023 “ an Alumni Induction Program and Farewell Programme was conducted on 17th June 2023 at Mohandas Hall. Students of 2023 passing out batch along with their family members attended the Programme. Students of all branches of B-Tech, MCA, MBA & M-Tech were presented with a sashe, a bonafide certificate and college memento, followed by a grand lunch. The programme was conducted by Alumni Association of MCET. The function was graced with the esteem presence of Shri G Mohandas (Chairman, VNGP Trust) & Smt Rani Mohandas (Secretary, VNGP Trust) and Shri Gopi Mohan (Vice President, Mohandas Group of Companies). Dr. S Sheela, Principal of MCET addressed the gathering with the Welcome Speech followed by the Presidential Address by Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director of MCET. Heads of various departments also addressed the gathering with their inspiring words. Prof. S Sreeja, Joint Secretary of AAMCET concluded the session with her Vote of thanks.
“PRAYAN 2022” an Alumni Induction Program and Farewell Programme was conducted on 24th June 2022 at Mohandas Hall. Students of 2022 passing out batch along with their family members attended the Programme. Also students of 2021 and 2020 pass out batches attended the function. Students of all branches of B-Tech, MCA, M-Tech (2022, 2021 & 2020 Pass out batches) & MBA (2022 Passing out batch were presented with a bonafide certificate and college memento, followed by a grand lunch. The programme was conducted by Alumni Association of MCET. The function was graced with the esteem presence of Shri G Mohandas (Chairman, VNGP Trust) & Smt Rani Mohandas (Secretary, VNGP Trust) and Shri Krishna Mohan (Treasurer, VNGP Trust).
Prayan 2018 (Alumni Induction Programme) was conducted on June 18th 2018, Monday at Mohandas Hall. Students of 2018 passing out batch along with their family members attended the programme. Students of all branches of B-Tech (2014-18 batch) and M-Tech were presented with a bonafide certificate and college memento , followed by grand lunch at 2.30. The programme was conducted by Alumni Association of MCET.