Department Associations
April 1, 2024 2025-02-03 7:47Department Associations
MCET has associations for each department, which primarily focuses on the current developments in their respective fields, their applications, and conducts timely seminars, workshops and talks on their area. The association conducts industrial visits to prominent industrial places, thus enabling the students to listen to various industrial processes and to develop acknowledgement about industrial standards, and to make them into challenging professionals. The association works promises the students high employability in the competitive industry and help them to face the challenges.
In each year, the association is inaugurated by eminent people from their respective areas, and conducting talks and seminars on behalf of the association. The associations are:
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

ACES’22 (Association of Computer Engineering Students) of Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology was inaugurated on 6 th May 2022 at Mini Auditorium( Civil block) by Mr. Bino Jose Eapen, Vice-President-Consulting& Digital Transformation IBS software. After the inauguration an interactive session on the topic “Technology-Innovations and Transformation” was conducted by the chief guest. The events conducted on behalf of this inauguration are as follows:
1. Rapidata2.0 (Tech quiz)
2. Niebla (Digital treasure hunt)
3. Le piratage ( Hacking)
4. Fotographia (spot photography)
5. Valorant (video gaming)
6. PES (video gaming)
7. Reels
8. BGMI (video gaming)

This year’s (2019-2020) activities of ACES (Association of Computer science & Engineering Students) was inaugurated on 3rd September 2019. The chief guest for the function, Smt. Ananthalakshmi Ammal R (Senior Director, Cyber Security Group, CDAC Thiruvananthapuram) inaugurated the function and gave a technical talk on ““Recent trends and career opportunities in computer science”. The Director, Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran presided over the function. Dr. Jayaprakash P, HOD, Dept of CSE gave a welcome address to all dignitaries and Prof.Tomy Thomas (CGPC Co-ordinator) has felicitated the event. Mr. Abhiram Anilkumar, Secretary ACES presented the academic year (2018-2019) activity plan. All HOD’s of various departments, Faculty and students of CSE were present in the event. As a part of ACES, we conducted a talk by Mr. Kiran Thambi (Senior test Engineer, GOOGLE) on 30th August. A hands-on workshop on Photoshop has conducted to students on 31st of August. Also we conducted a technical Quiz competition on 3rd September.
Department of Civil Engineering

SCULTURA, the Civil Association of MCET have been an active body of the Civil Department through out the academic history of the department, by conducting various technical talks and workshops for students to foster their technical knowledge.
The SCULTURA 2022 was inaugurated by Mr. Anwar Hussain and Mr.Krishnakumar S on the 6th of May, 2022 at the Mini Auditorium of Civil Block.
The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Sheela Evangeline, Head of Civil Department. The meeting was addressed by Dr. S. Sheela, Principal of MCET.

The SCULTURA ‘19, the Civil Association of MCET have been an active body of the Civil Department through out the academic history of the department, by conducting various technical talks and workshops for students to foster their technical knowledge.
The SCULTURA 2019 was inaugurated by Dr. K. P. Sudheer, Principal Secretary of Science and Technology Dept., Executive Vice President of KSCSTE and Former Professor of IIT, Madras on the 30th of August, 2019 at the Mini Auditorium of Civil Block.
The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Sheela Evangeline, Head of Civil Department. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director and Dr. S. Sheela, Principal of MCET. Ms. Reshma S. Jayan of S7, the Secretary of Scultura delivered the vote of thanks. The function was compared by Ms. Navami P S of S7, the lady representative.
After a short recess, the session resumed with a talk by Dr. K. P. Sudheer on the topic “Kerala Flood 2018 – A Scientific Perspective”.
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
SPECTRA – 2022

SPECTRA – 2022 (Association of Electronics and Communication Engineering Students) was inaugurated by Mr. Hareesh S V, Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL on 06th May 2022, at 10.30 am in CGPC Hall, MCET, Anad. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. S. Shabu, HoD, ECE. The Presidential address was given by Dr. S. Sheela, Principal, MCET. Dr. Deepa Nair, HoD, EEE delivered the vote of thanks. Dr. Rakesh S, Associate Professor, ECE (Staff Co-ordinator, SPECTRA) and Mr. Jerome S (Secretary, SPECTRA) were also present in the meeting. Mr. Hareesh S V also gave a technical talk on “Transmission Technologies in Telecom Network” which detailed the various transmission technologies used in the field of telecommunication. The Chief Guest was also presented a memento by Dr. S. Sheela, Principal. HoDs, faculty members of various departments of the college and students of Electronics and Communication Engineering attended the function. The compering was performed by R. Gowri Nandana of S8. A number of events were conducted in the afternoon session and the winners were presented with certificates.
SPECTRA – 2019

SPECTRA – 2019 (Association of Electronics and Communication Engineering Students) was inaugurated by Mrs. Deepa R S on 29 thAugust 2019, 2.30 PM at CGPC Hall, MCET, Anad. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. R Ibrahimkutty, HOD ECE Dept.. The Presidential address was given by Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director MCET. Principal Dr. S Sheela addressed the gathering. Mr. Jithin Jose (Joint Secretary, SPECTRA) delivered the vote of thanks. Mrs. Deepa RS also gave a talk on “ Recent Trends in Electronics Technology ” which gave an awareness to the students regarding the various new technologies uses in the field of electronics. The Chief Guest was also presented a memento by Dr. R Ibrahimkutty, HOD ECE Dept. Certificates were also given to winners of various competitions conducted as part of the SPECTRA 19.
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
ETERJA – 2022

ETERJA – 2022 (Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students) was inaugurated by Mr. Hareesh S V, Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL on 06th May 2022, at 10.30 am in CGPC Hall, MCET, Anad. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. S. Shabu, HoD, ECE. The Presidential address was given by Dr. S. Sheela, Principal, MCET. Dr. Deepa Nair, HoD, EEE delivered the vote of thanks. Prof. Neethu.U, Assistant Professor, EEE (Staff Co-ordinator, ETERJA) and Mr. Abin Khalam (Student Co-ordinator, ETERJA) and Lady Representative Ms. Anjana Anad were also present in the meeting. Mr. Hareesh S V also gave a technical talk on “Transmission Technologies in Telecom Network” which detailed the various transmission technologies used in the field of telecommunication. The Chief Guest was also presented a memento by Dr. S. Sheela, Principal. Online events were conducted during the lockdown period by the Electrical Association ETERJA and prizes were distributed in the inauguration ceremony. For ETERJA as inauguration activities number of events were conducted in the afternoon session and the winners were presented with certificates.
ETERJA – 2019

The activities of ETERJA for this year commenced with the inaugural ceremony conducted on 27th August2019. The event was inaugurated by Er.K.R.Venugopal Retired Deputy Chief Engineer KSEB, and delivered a talk on Power System. Special appreciation awards were given to Akhil K.S of S7EEE and AravindV.S. of S7 EEE for their last years contribution to the association as best coordination and best team leadership respectively. Various prizes for the events conducted in the last years were given to the EEE students. The association activity for the year 2019 started with the theme “Social commitment of Electrical Engineers”. Under the association staff coordinator Prof.Neethu U. EEE students made 100 power banks and handed over to the flood relief camp which became an inspiration to many young upcoming engineers.
Department of Bio Technology & Bio Chemical Engineering
ELIXIR – 2023

ELIXIR – 2023 (Association of Department of BT&BCE) was inaugurated by Shri. Dr. Madhavan Nampoothiri K on 14th December 2022, 10AM at CGPC Hall, MCET, ANAD. Welcome Speech and introduction of the Chief Guest was done by Dr.Gireesh Baiju, HOD, BT & BCE. The Presidential address was delivered by Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director, MCET. Dr. S. Sheela, Principal, MCET addressed the gathering and Vote of thanks was given by Jithin Krishna J(ELIXIR Secretary).
ELIXIR – 2022

ELIXIR – 2022 (Association of Department of BT&BCE) was inaugurated by Shri. Dr. Binod Parameswaran on 7th January 2021, 1 PM at Civil Mini Auditorium, MCET, ANAD. Welcome Speech and introduction of the Chief Guest was done by Dr. Shalini. A. Nair, HOD, BT & BCE. The Presidential address was delivered by Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director, MCET. Dr. S. Sheela, Principal, MCET addressed the gathering. Prof. Nanditha Suresh (Staff Incharge ELIXIR) has introduced the office bearers of ELIXIR MCET Student Chapter. All the activities done under Elixir in the previous academic year were addressed by Anupama J (Secretary, ELIXIR) and Vote of thanks was given by Adithya C.V
ELIXIR – 2019

ELIXIR – 2019 (Association of Department of BT&BCE) and IIChE, MCET Student Chapter were inaugurated by Shri. Muralikrishnan R, Chairman, IIChE, Trivandrum Chapter and Shri. Somanathan S, Honorary Secretary, IIChE, Trivandrum Chapter on 21st August 2019, 1 PM at CGPC Hall, MCET, ANAD. Welcome Speech and introduction of Chief Guest was done by Dr. K. M. Usha, HOD, BT&BCE. The Presidential address was delivered by Dr. Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran, Director, MCET. Dr. S. Sheela, Principal, MCET addressed the gathering. Prof. Aiswarya V(Staff Incharge ELIXIR) and Prof. Shijina S S(Staff incharge IIChE) have introduced the office bearers of ELIXIR and IIChE, MCET Student Chapter respectively. Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Sradha S (Secretary, ELIXIR). Breifing on IIChE, membership details and benefits was done by Shri. Somanathan S.
MCA department inauguration was conducted on 20th december 2021 by Ms.Jyothi Ramaswamy, Manager, Cyber Security Group, TCS. Various inter and intra department competions were held as part of the programme.

MASTEC is a platform that helps the students of MCA to grow with technical skills and also helps in the overall development of the student .The inauguration for the Association activities of MASTEC for the academic year 2019-20 was conducted on 4th Oct 2019 at CGPC hall. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Ajith Nair (Director Delivery, Speridian Technologies Pvt. Ltd) and technical talk by Mr. Ramu Balachandran (Technical Architect, Speridian Technologies Pvt. Ltd). The inauguration was graced by the presence of Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran (Director, MCET), Dr. Sobha Manakkal (Principal in charge, MCET), Prof.Sreeja K. (HOD-in charge, MCA department) and along with the student and staff community of the department of Computer Applications.

The chief guest Mr. Ajith Nair was felicitated by the Director of MCET with a memento and he mentioned about the need for innovation. Mr. Ramu Balachandran gave a technical talk about past, present and future growth of technologies. Prof.Sreeja K. HOD-in charge, MCA department presented a memento to Mr. Ramu Balachandran. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the events by Prof.Sreeja K in MCA department.
HODs and faculty members of various departments of the college attended the function. The inaugural session came to an end with vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Abhijith, MASTEC Secretary.