Indian Concrete Institute
April 1, 2024 2024-04-01 8:29Indian Concrete Institute
ICI Students Chapter 2022 – As a part of 20 year celebration of the institution, on 6th May, 2022. ICI Students’ Chapter 2022 was inaugurated by Er. Krishna Kumar S., Chairman of Indian Concrete Institute, Trivandrum at the Civil Engineering block Mini Auditorium and Mr. Anwar Hussain, retired Deputy Chief Engineer, LSGD delivered a special lecture on the topic “Retrofiting”.
The MCET-ICI students’ chapter was inaugurated on 18th February 2016 Mr Jose Kurian, Rtd CE CPWD & Immediate Past President ICI inaugurated the students chapter. The inaugural function was followed by technical presentations by Mr. Jose Kurian (Concrete and Sustainability) and Mr. P Jayakumar (General Manager, DMRC (on “Light Metro project in Trivandrum and Kozhikode”). Mohandas College of Engineering has opted to become an institutional Member of the ICI . (O.L.M 12175).

MCET won the best emerging chapter award in the Trivandrum Zone in the inaugural year 2016-2017

MCET won the best chapter award in the Trivandrum Zone in the year 2018-2019